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area 51

"Area 51" is a part of an off-limits military base near Groom Dry Lake in Nevada. UFOers are sure it is used to hide aliens from us. The state of Nevada recently designated a barren 98-mile stretch of Route 375, which runs near Area 51, as the Extraterrestrial Highway. Such a move is no doubt proof of a government attempt to throw us off the track and think there is not a cover-up when there is one. This is a cover-up of the cover-up, typical of government agencies when dealing with sensitive information regarding UFOs and aliens.

Since you can be shot if you try to trespass on the military base where Area 51 is located, UFO tourists must view the sacred ground from a distant vantage point. Many do this, hoping for a glimpse of a UFO landing. Apparently, our government has a treaty with the aliens which allows them to fly into this area at will, as long as we can experiment on them and try to duplicate their aircraft. You don't really think that any human could have come up with the idea of the Stealth Bomber, do you?

Skeptics don't doubt that something secret is going on in area 51. And what is going on may be more sinister than building secret aircraft or developing new weapons. "Sixty Minutes" did a segment where Leslie Stahl suggested that area 51 may be an illegal dumping ground for toxic substances. If so, Area 51 might turn out to be hazardous to your health in more ways than one.

See related entries on alien abductions, Roswell and UFOs & ETs.

reader comments

29 Jul 96
I have worked for the U.S. Government for 16 years. They have (over)educated me and I have toiled in its halls for all of my adult life. I continually read articles and reports of various conspiracies within the IRS, the CIA, the military (my branch) and many others. I assure you and everyone else: The U.S. Government has much more in common with Dilbert than the X-Files.

Sure, we have our secrets. But those secrets are kept by people just like you (and me). If they didn't all agree that a secret needed to be kept, it wouldn't. Cover-ups and conspiracies do not benefit politicians longer than their terms of office.

Doug Dodson

further reading

Area 51/Groom Lake

The Skeptic's Dictionary
Robert Todd Carroll